This Coming Sunday!!! – August 2nd, 2020

This coming Sunday we are going to continue to take a short respite from our current sermon series and continue to speak into the reality of life we are living in with Covid-19 in a series we have titled “On Covid.” We first discovered the wonderful truth of how God has empowered us His Church for such occasions as these. Then we learned how we can trust in God in situations like these and in this learned what this looks like. Bringing us to this week where we are going to be discussing how there comes a time where our vigilance, our preparing and waiting patiently. Must be turned to diligence, which is going forth and living out our calling and mission in God’s Kingdom. Doing God’s Kingdom work here and now no matter what may be going on around. No matter what we are all called to this Kingdom level work. Each and everyone of us. So join us this Sunday at 9:30am outside in the shade at 246 W. Chestnut St., or online on our Facebook Live stream. As we discover this call to action from a Parable taught by Jesus on some servants and some talents in Matthew 25:14-30.