The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ How Not to Pray – Part Two

Pastor Brandon
July 2, 2023

The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ How Not to Pray – Part Two

Today as we open the Word of God. We will be turning once again to the sermon on the mount as we have been spending this year looking at the Words of Jesus in this sermon of sermons. We are returning to the third section of the sermon found in Matthew 6:1-18. We will continue our discussion regarding its theme given to us, challenging us to ask who it is we are living our lives of faith for and what we are living our lives of faith for, continuing to heed the warning Jesus gives with the second of three powerful, pointed, and cutting illustrations, in particular, addressing how we should and should not pray in verses five through 15. In particular, for our purposes today looking at the second of two examples of how not to pray.

((Audio Only))

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