Spiritual Disciplines ~ Abstaining

September 22, 2024

Spiritual Disciplines ~ Abstaining

In today’s sermon, we continue to emphasize the importance of cultivating a life of discipline in faith, mainly through abstainment, which involves deliberately refraining from distractions that hinder our relationship with Christ. Abstainment differs from fasting, as it encompasses more than food and aligns with surrendering our lives to God. The sermon will challenge us to reflect on what we deem essential in our lives and encourage us to take intentional steps toward letting go of worldly pleasures to foster spiritual growth and conclude by urging us to seek accountability and fill our lives with the presence of God through prayer and scripture study.



((Audio Only))

Study Guide

1 – What do you think it means to practice abstainment in your daily life?
– Application: Can you identify something in your life that you could abstain from to grow closer to your relationship with God?

2 – Why do you think knowing what we cannot live without is essential?
– Application: What are some specific examples of things in your life that you might be prioritizing over your relationship with Jesus?

3 – In Romans 12:1-2, Paul talks about presenting our bodies as living sacrifices. How does this relate to practicing abstaining?
– Application: What are some practical ways you can present yourself as a living sacrifice this week?

4 – How can the discipline of abstaining from distractions lead to spiritual clarity, according to the sermon?
– Application: What distractions are currently keeping you from experiencing God more fully?

5 – Why do you think it’s necessary to have accountability from fellow believers while practicing abstaining?
– Application:  Who can you reach out to for accountability in your personal practice of abstaining this week?

Scripture References

John 4:23
Romans 12:1-2
Psalm 55:20
Acts 15:20
Acts 15:8
Acts 15:28-29
1 Thessalonians 5:22
1 Peter 5:8-9
1 Corinthians 6:12
Matthew 5:6
Matthew 6:24
1 Corinthians 15:33


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