Misconception ~ Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People

Pastor Brandon
February 2, 2020

Misconception ~ Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People

THINK: About how they have bought into the misconception of health, wealth, and prosperity unexpectedly in their lives, and come to a place where they can accept the fact that bad things happen to people period. There is no avoiding it bad things happen.

KNOW: Despite the evil and bad that happens in this life and on this world God is still good. God sees all and knows all and vindicates all.

FEEL: A need to stop asking why and simply trust in God more.

DO: Stop perpetuating this common misconception of the faith, and living our lives in a way that is fully surrendered and fully trusting in God. Thereby, showing others who God is by the example of our lives in the midst of chaos.

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