Our vision ~ How do We Get There ~ Part 3

Pastor Brandon
September 30, 2019

Our vision ~ How do We Get There ~ Part 3

THINK: About the current place God has us and what God would call us to do to prepare the way for His coming revival He is calling us to.
KNOW: Revival only comes when God brings it and when God plans it. We are to be patient and wait on Him and in the time of waiting we should be preparing our hearts and preparing the way for what He is going to be doing. That way we are not caught off guard when the day comes, but we are ready and able.
FEEL: A need to seek out God as a community to ask how it is He would have us prepare. To trust God in this preparation. Finally, to act upon the needed preparation to be the bringers of revival He is calling us to be.
DO: To join as one in crying out to God for His direction, His Kingdom come, His rule and reign. To join as one in prayer seeking how God would have us move in this time of patience and preparation.

Principle Passage: Acts 1:6-2:5, English Standard Version

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