Our Vision ~ What is Our Vision ~ Part One

Pastor Brandon
September 1, 2019

Our Vision ~ What is Our Vision ~ Part One

THINK: About what it means to truly become God’s family.  What does this look like? How are we doing as a faith community in becoming God’s family?  How can we do better?

KNOW: We are called to be God’s family.  Not just because of our vision statement.  Rather, Biblically speaking, all who proclaim Christ are called to this.  To be the family of God, the called-out ones, the redeemed in Christ.

FEEL: Desire to grow more together as God’s family.  Not just to achieve our vision, but to live out the fullness of life and faith Jesus comes to bring us.  Desire to be one with one another as God is one.

DO: Begin to make movements in their faith to become, join, and seek to be God’s family with one another.  Understanding the mindset, attitudes, and challenge this task will be, but to do it anyways.

PRIMARY TEXT: Ephesians 4:1-6
PRINCIPLE PASSAGE: Ephesians 4:1-6

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