The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Divorce

Pastor Brandon
April 16, 2023

The Peculiar Kingdom of God & its People ~ Divorce

About how we have come to treat the institution of marriage and what God has created marriage to be.

Jesus doesn’t just have something to say to us today regarding divorce, but the God-given purpose and intent of marriage.

Grow in our understanding and conviction of the holy, sacred nature God has created marriage in.

Let the past be the past and leave it in the past. What will we do about what Jesus said to us today moving forward? Will we allow His radical teaching on marriage to shape and form us moving forward from this day onward?

Deuteronomy 24:1, Ecclesiastes 1:9, Matthew 5:17-20, 31-32, 48,15:19, 19:3-9, Romans 8:1

((Audio Only))

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