Use these groups of questions to develop a strategy to help you grow in Jesus, with us as a community, and be sent forth by Him on mission. Write them down in a journal or in a document you can refer to often. We find it is most helpful to share your growth plan with someone who can support you and hold you accountable.
The Bible teaches us in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (English Standard Version). One such time the Bible teaches us of is a time of pruning and fertilizing. In other words and time of preparing for growth. Here are some helpful questions to ask when you find yourself at this season of your journey.
1. To help me grow as a disciple, with whom do I need to spend time during this season?
2. What do I need to read this season (besides the Bible) to grow?
3. What do I need to cut from my life that is hindering me from being who God has called me to be?
4. Who do I need to spend time with during this season to encourage and help them grow?
5. Where in my church can I serve and contribute as a family member
6. If time and money weren’t an issue, what would I do for God?
In every season of pruning and fertilizing we must realize all of this preparing is for something. Why would we do all of this preparing for nothing? Therefore, we understand when God brings us to a season of preparing He is preparing us for a season of growth. This is why you prune and fertilize plants is it not? To prepare the way for further growth and more full growth. In particular, God prepares us for growth in Him through Jesus. Here are some helpful questions to ask when you find yourself at this season of your journey.
1. How will I grow as a worshipper?
2. How will I grow in the Word?
3. How often and when will I meet with Jesus?
4. How will I grow my prayer life?
5. How will I grow in my generosity?
6. Who can help me grow in this value that I need to schedule some time with?
Our churches reading plan is also an excellent tool to use when seeking to grow in Jesus. You can find our reading plan here.
To aid in our growth of Christ God has called us to grow with each other. In fact, the Bible teaches us we need one another. We need a community. This is taught throughout the Bible, but Proverbs 27:17 captures for us this need for one another fully, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (English Standard Version). Therefore, we must learn to grow in community with others leaving behind our differences and past spurring one another on boldly to love and good deeds. Here are some helpful questions to ask when you are seeking to grow in Christ through the fellowship of all believers God has given us.
1. How often and when will I/we share meals with others?
2. With whom do I need to seek reconciliation?
3. How will I grow stronger and deeper relationships in my family of families?
4. What one or two areas do I need to prioritize in my family?
5. What do I love to do that I could invite others to do with me? Who to invite?
6. Who can help me grow in this value that I need to schedule some time with?
A wonderful way to grow in Christ through the fellowship of all believers is to join a homegroup or even start a homegroup of your own. You can find out a lot of good information on how to do this or join a homegroup here.
Some may ask. What is all of this growth for? It is so we can go forth on a mission to this world to fulfill the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20,
“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age’” (English Standard Version).
Summarized best by making more and better disciples. To help others discover and grow in their faith as we have discovered and grown in ours. Here are some good questions to ask to help us grow in our understanding of our role in this mission found in the Great Commission, which gives purpose to our season of preparing and growth in Christ and community.
1. How will I bring the Kingdom of God to my workplace/school?
2. Who can help me grow in this value that I need to schedule some time with?
3. Where or what in my city can I get involved in to represent Jesus?
4. Who are people of peace I need to invest time and resources with?
5. How can I grow in sharing my faith more comfortably?
6. How will I bring the Kingdom of God to my neighborhood or networks?
One of the best ways to go forth on mission is by sharing your story. You can find resources on how to do just this here.
Another helpful step in growing to go forth on mission is to find your people of peace. To learn more about this and to discover how by clicking here.
With all things of our faith, to include this, our very growth in the faith, there is always a need for accountability and support. Here are a couple of questions to help us begin to address this need in our lives.
1. With whom do I need to share this plan?
2. Who will hold me accountable to this plan?