Seek Him ~ August 14th, 2020

Here is an audio version of our daily readings from our daily reading plan Seek Him for August 14th, 2020 and a short devotional snippet from them.

Today, in our readings in Joshua we learn a very valuable lesson.  Perception is not always reality.  Actually in most, if not all, cases our perception is the furthest from reality, because we see things through the lens of this world.  Israel was ready to go to war with itself over a perceived act done by a few of the tribe’s, which was completely not what it was perceived to be.  Remember in this life we must not be so quick to rush to judgement, and we must always take time for God to help us see things the way He sees them before jumping to a conclusions.

Today’s Readings:

  • Psalm 98
  • Joshua 22
  • Luke 17:20-25