Sunday Gathering ~ September 22nd 2024

Here is our live stream from our Sunday Gathering on September 22nd 2024.

We are here to worship God. We will do this in various ways:  We will praise God with song. We will pray with and for one another. We will hear and respond to a message from God’s Word. We will also give of ourselves and our resources to the Lord.

Worship with us.


  • Daily Prayer 9:30 AM Monday through Friday
  • Underground is tonight at 6 PM, as well as our new Young Adults Study at 6 PM as well
  • Men’s Group at 6 PM Every Monday
  • Family Night ~ Wednesday @ 6 PM – Class for all Ages ~ This week – “God Provides a Refuge.” Num. 35:1-34
  • Operation Christmas Child this week: ~  Personal item, like a note or a card.
  • Welcome to the Family Service & Potluck on September 22nd following service. Food signups in the foyer.
  • Community Men’s Breakfast September 28th @ 8 AM
  • Baptismal Service on Sunday, September 29th.
  • 5th Sunday Community Worship @ the Church of Christ at 6 PM on September 29th.


  • 2024 Gobbler Giveaway with the Exeter Ministerial Association – We are providing 300 boxes of stuffing mix and 300 packets of Turkey Gravy.
  • October 5th Women’s Gathering ~ More Info Coming
  • 2024 Great Pumpkin Patch & Family Harvest Festival
    ~ October 26th from 5 PM to 7 PM
    ~ We need volunteers, candy, and trunks.  Sign up today in the Foyer at the Join the Mission Wall.
  • 2025 Honduras Mission July 8th to the 15th.
    ~ $200 Trip deposits are due by November 1st. 


  • Meal Train for EPD is wide open for people to sign up.
    ~ See Patricia Thompson for more details.
  • Cooking and blessings – See Kellie for more details.
    ~ See Kellie for more details and how you can participate.
  • We need Nursery Workers for one Sunday a month.

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