Here is our live stream from December 13th, 2020. We had a major technical glitch and lost the first 20 minutes of service, but here is what we were able […]
Come and join us in the celebration of Jesus’ first Advent into this world. Join us in the worship of Him through singing praises, praying with and for one another, […]
Here is the audio version of our daily readings from our daily reading plan Seek Him for December 1st, 2020. Psalm 138:6-8 1st Kings 22:29-53 John 20:10-23
Here is the latest news from the Underground. There is a lot of exciting information in this month’s newsletter about upcoming events this month. As well as, some photos from […]
Preview of this week’s upcoming message “It’s Advent Again.” We will be looking at what Advent is all about and how Jesus would have us approach this most joyous time […]