Here is the audio version of our daily readings from our daily reading plan Knowing Him for January 3rd, 2022. Today we learn many things about the character of God […]
Here is the audio version of our daily readings from our daily reading plan Knowing Him for January 1st, 2022. Happy New Year, and with this New Year, we are […]
Kid’s Worship Bulletin for August 2, 2020. We will be looking at the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have […]
This coming Sunday we are going to continue to take a short respite from our current sermon series and continue to speak into the reality of life we are living […]
Ever wonder why there are slight differences in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke? They seem so alike, but yet they are so different even though they parallel so […]